
Time Series Labeler

Configuration files

As already mentioned in the Basic functionalities page, there are two main types of usage for this application: one treating data files separately and the other one being more project-driven. This page will explain in deeper detail how these two options work by describing the different kinds of configuration files that are generated at runtime.

Separate files

For single data files, a configuration file is generated for each one of them: the full name of the data file is used to generate the name of the corresponding configuration file. For instance, if there is a file named data.csv the configuration file will be named data.csv.json.

In particular, this type of configuration consists of a JSON file structured as follows.

Project files

When a new project is opened, the user selects the files to be included. From that point, all the relevant information for the project is stored in a single configuration file, called project.json, which is still a JSON file but structured differently than before.

Program files

There are other two files adopted by the application which haven't been mentioned before: these can usually be found in the same folder as the TSL itself, but it is possible that if the program has no permission to read/write these files, they are stored somewhere else. Specifically, the alternative path is relative to the current user's folder:

where ~ is the user directory (whose absolute path is different according to the installed OS)
Windows:  C:/Users/[USERNAME]/
Linux:   /home/[USERNAME]/
MacOS:   /Users/[USERNAME]/

These files are:
Make sure to keep them in order to avoid unexpected behaviors!

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